With more than 1172 movements, more the second operator, AFN, the Galicia flight school, obtain the top position as a flight operator at Alvedro. that is wiht out counting the landing and take off trainning flights. This calculation on only takes into account the number of visual, instrumental and night flights that AFN offer duringt the year. This is not the first time that this has happened, since years ago, AFN with more than 20 years of experiencehas been leading the number of operations at the airport of La Coruña.
Recently, the Galician pilot school had made a important investment creating a new simulator center in Carral, very close to the airport. In this center the students of the school, can trainning with the most advanced technologies for the operations by satellite (PBN) and operation with multicrew Jets.
The current demand for pilots in this industry requires highly qualified professionals and trainning in centers with experience and aware of the current situation worldwide. During our history, AFN has trainned excellent professionals that work as pilots in the most important airlines, a high percentage of the students are growing as a professional pilot, and they are the best proof of the superb center.
The environment, three instrumental airports withing 30 minutes flight, sharing traffic with commercial aircraft, with a possibility to fly as a visual, instrumental and night rules with needing to leave the airport base,with our new center of simulators, makes the Galician flight school the sure bet for the quality training, something that comes with the developing during these last years.